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"This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer"
General Occupancy & Family Housing Units
The Burnett County Housing Authority is taking applications for the waiting list in the following program:
General Occupancy- Elderly/Disabled
(1 bedroom)
This waiting list includes units inWebster(Cedarwood Manor) andSiren(Birchwood Manor)
for applicants that are elderly/disable status.
(2-4 bedroom)
This waiting list includes units inWebster, Siren, GrantsburgandDanbury
for applicants that are family status.
If you are interested and would like to be placed on the waiting list, please fill out our application to see if you qualify.The Application can be downloaded and filled out electronically, picked up in entryway of our office at Cedarwood Manor7350 E. Main Street, Webster, WIor emailed/mailed to you by contacting our office at
715-866-8231during open hours Monday - Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.
Who is Eligible?
Public housing is available to individuals and families with no or low income, along with the elderly and disabled individuals.
Proof of US Citizenship or legal
immigration status is required.
You will be asked to submit for all household members:
Social Security ID card, Birth Certificate, and possibly a valid picture ID
If you are eligible, the HA will check your references to make sure you and your family will be good tenants. The HA will deny admission to an applicant whose habits and practices may be expected to have a detrimental effect on other tenants or on the project's environment.
What About Rent?
Low-income rents, which are referred to as the Total Tenant Payment (TTP) in this program would be based on your family's anticipated gross annual income, less deductions. Anticipated annual income includes all sources received by the family head of household, spouse, and each additional family member over the age of 18 not participating in general education.
Program participants normally pay no more than 30% of their monthly adjusted income toward rent and utilities.
Housing Urban Development (HUD) regulations allow housing authorities (HA's) to exclude from your annual income the following allowances:
- $400 for any elderly family, or a person with a disability
- Certain medical deductions for families headed by an elderly parent or a person with disabilities
Based on your application the HA representative can determine if any of the allowable deductions should be subtracted from your income.
FY 2024 Income Limits Summary
State Wide - Burnett Co., Wisconsin
Burnett County Housing Authority
How Does Your Income Compare?
Very Low-Income Limit (VLIL)
%50 of Median*
Extremely Low-Income Limit (ELIL)
30% of Median*
Low-Income Limit (LIL)
%80 of Median*